Saturday 12 July 2014

User Side

Userside factors can be reasons for why your upload speed or internet connection may not be as fast as you want it to be! On this page you are able to explore different reasons for why some userside factors effect the performance of your website. Userside factors refer to the client who is using the website, but not the person who has created it - therefore this could refer to the components such as there Wifi provider, and software (Browser used) that the client uses.

Connection speed:
Dial up: This is a temporary internet connection, that is made over telephone lines by dialling a internet providers number.    

Broadband: This is a form of digital communication technology in transfers data fast.

Mobile broadband: This term relates to wireless internet access to a portable device such as a mobile phone, tablet, or any other modern device.  

Wi-Fi: This term also relates to Wireless Fidelity, and this provides a internet connection to the local area.

Internet Browsers:
There are several different browsers, which have different speeds, the main ones are Internet Explorer, Google chrome. Google chrome is thought to be better than Internet explorer as it is much faster.

Internet Speed:
The speed of how fast your internet is will determine how quick websites load up, if the internet speed is slow this will take longer for information to receive the computer. In addition to this, the speed of internet connection will determine how fast the connection is as some internet providers do have faster download speed than other providers, so some users may have quicker access to websites then others depending on who there provider is.

RAM is another factor that may influence website performance, this is because if a computer contains a small amount of RAM the computer will take longer to make temporary space for the website, this will therefore making it slower to upload the website. However, if the users computer has a large RAM space this will mean that less time is needed to the website as there is already cache space for the web files.

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