Saturday 12 July 2014

Server Side

Having problems with your Internet? Fed up of waiting for a long period of time for your webpage to load? This could be due to a variety of sever side issues affecting the website performance, below are different sever side issues that could be the reason for why you may be having problems with your Internet! Server side issues are to do with the host or how the website has been composed. 
Server storage space: 
This term refers to the amount of storage space a server has for a website, if the storage space is not large enough then the user will not be able to store the website.
Facebook - the content of what is on the website
the database should have the capacity to allow users to sign up

Bandwidth limitations

Bandwidth limitations refer to much data can be sent/received through the connection that the user holds. A user will need to pay a web host to purchase space on a server, however this will come at an expense and will the cost may vary per month. An example of this may be for £30 per month you receive 200GB, however if this amount of gigabyte is exceeded the website will shut down; this may happen if the website has a lost of traffic. If a plan that you take out doesn’t offer unlimited bandwidth it will cost a lot of money to have a business on a website that holds several pages. Not having sufficient amount of bandwidth will result in the website being shut down and removed from search engines which would be a disadvantage to the users business.

An alternative for users that users who are part of a large organisation may be to purchase a T1 line. The T1 line can handle several more users on it when compared to a normal modem, and it can handle up to hundreds of users for general browsing. If a companies financial position is stable they are most likely to choose this option instead of going for web hosts, however some companies wouldn’t be able to offer a T1 line therefore go with unlimited bandwidth packs provided by web hosts.

Pages with too many scripts:
A page which has too much scripts on it will not be able to open, this may then lead to the  information being displayed slowly as the webpage will take a long time too load up. The reason for why this page does not open is because the page scripts contain too much data to control on the server. For example: If you were to log into Facebook, a database would check the server side which would lead to a script being run - this would check your username and password to ensure that you are a registered user.

Website content:
  • Images: (There are two type of images, bitmaps and vectors!)
Vector Image!
The difference between a bitmap and vectors are that bitmaps are made up of pixels – so this would be real life photos! But vectors use shapes and lines; this refers to cartoon like photos. Vector images can be rescaled and resized and the original quality of the image remains.

  • Sounds: The two formats of sound are WAV and MP3
WAV -  This is a audio file format which is in the form of a Microsoft file.
MP3 – is an type of technology that allows a music or audio file to be compressed down into a very small amount of space and transferred onto a device e:g – mobile phone.
  • Animations:
Animations are a illusion of movement which is presented in a film or a short clip, this is done through a technique of photography where drawings or the positioning of puppets create movement. An animation file size tends to be large, this therefore means that if the user was to publish their animation on a website the storage space would have to be fairly big, because if there isn’t enough storage space the end receiving user will not be able to view the web page.
The type of website content that is displayed on a website will depend how quick and effectively the web page is displayed. For example if a web page is full of textual information it will display quicker than a web page that is full of videos and pictures.

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